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Monday, October 20, 2008

Top 10 answers voters gave to describe candidates

Top 10 answers voters gave to describe candidates

By The Associated Press

The top 10 answers people volunteered when asked to describe presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama, according to an Associated Press-Yahoo! News poll released Monday. Included is the percentage of people who gave each answer. More than one response was allowed.

John McCain:

1. Old, 19 percent

2. Military service, 9 percent

3. Record, qualifications, 8 percent

4. Bush, 7 percent

5. Strength, 7 percent

6. Insider, politician, 7 percent

7. Iraq, terrorism, 6 percent

8. Honest, 5 percent

9. Republican, 5 percent

10. (tie) Moral/good and dishonest, 4 percent

Barack Obama:

1. Outsider, change, 20 percent

2. Lack of experience, 13 percent

3. Dishonest, 9 percent

4. Inspiring, 8 percent

5. Liberal, 6 percent

6, 7 (tie). Obama's race, young, 6 percent

8. Not likable, 5 percent

9. Intelligent, 4 percent

10. Muslim, 3 percent

The AP-Yahoo! News poll of 1,759 adults was conducted from June 13-23 and had an overall margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points. The poll was conducted over the Internet by Knowledge Networks, which initially contacted people using traditional telephone polling methods and followed with online interviews.

I got this from Yahoo Polls. I found this very interesting.

Here is the URL:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Meaning of Life...

Well, I am still engaged in my never ending search for meaning, and I have had no breakthroughs.

I have, however, gained some insight into how other people feel about it.

What I asked them was:

Religious Affiliation:
What is mankind's ultimate goal?:
What is more important, progress towards that goal, or freedom?:
What made you choose either progress or freedom?:

Here are the results I have gathered so far:

Male - 19 years

"Scientific and technological advancement will happen regardless, but should happen in the right context."

Humanity's Ultimate Goal
"Existence: our ultimate goal is to continue to exist."


Female - 42 years
God Lover (Yahweh)

"True progress does not and cannot compromise freedom."

Humanity's Ultimate Goal
"To love each other, and be as nice as possible, and to love as deep as we can, until God rescues us from this place"


Male - 20 years

"Progress drives us forward, freedom holds us back"

Humanity's Ultimate Goal
"To conquer and expand"


Male - 19 Years

"Without progress, there would have been no freedom."

Humanity's Ultimate Goal
"Death and destruction. Humanity will eventually destroy itself."


Male - 58 years
Nondenominational Christian

"If everyone works towards the golden rule, freedom will ensue. The reason for this is that people will start to want freedom, and because of the golden rule, they will give freedom to others."

Humanity's ultimate goal
"Our goal is to treat each other as we wish to be treated, and to spread this philosophy. We could also use a bit more forgiveness in the world. Not lack of punishment, but forgiveness."


Male - 16 years
Middle Eastern

"Without freedom there can be no progress. Eighty percent of third world countries do not progress, because they have no freedom of opinion or democracy."

Humanity's Ultimate Goal
"Our goal has always been freedom. This is why there has never been (nor will there ever be) any invasion that lasts forever. Humans always want freedom from invading countries or the inner system itself."


Male - 32 years
Caucasian/Native American

"Freedom has been taken for granted for so long that they sold it to the highest bidder, and progress has just about destroyed our ecosystem and depleted our natural resources."

Humanity's Ultimate Goal
"Love thy neighbor. Tomorrow will tell it's own tale....Love and Understanding is the only answer...but who's going to listen?"


Male - 20 years

“Survival brings with it freedom to act. Without survival, no action can be taken, and we are only free in our actions. The two are inseparable.”

Humanity’s Ultimate Goal
“Persistence over time is the one thing that humans live for. We can't live without surviving. In living on we are truly free. You cannot make more specifications about what in life you are free in, because you can always argue your way out of that. The basic requirement for freedom, any human freedom, is life. We cannot be free without living. We live for living, and we experience and grow, and we try to live for as long as we can and understand as much as we can.”

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anti-Palin Aerial Hunting Propaganda

If wildlife is in abundance, what's the matter with hunting it? I understand the video had hero shots of the wolf and strong language, but that is propaganda. Speaking as someone who teaches propaganda techniques, this video was mostly propaganda.

Hunting is hunting. So long as the species isn't endangered, hunting is sometimes required and population control can actually be good for the wildlife, because their resources are in more supply because of less demand.

I'm not a hunter myself, but I appreciate the deer hunters in my area for controlling the deer population so the deer don't eat up all their resources. Starving to death is more painful than being shot. What is so terrible about her supporting aerial hunting?

And what does it have to do with her candidacy? There are FAR more important things to worry about than hunting. I understand that hunting makes animal rights activists feel bad, but doesn't the right to hunt have a bit to do with freedom? Isn't that what this country is built on?

By permitting this type of hunting, Palin is preserving that very freedom on which the US was founded. That very freedom which so many activists want to take away. You offend somebody, some activist wants to make laws on what you can and cannot say (hate speech legislation), someone gets shot by a criminal, some activist want to take all the guns from law abiding citizens. The Constitution is NOT negotiable, yet a lot of people seem to think that it is.

I support Palin, because Palin supports our rights. Do I think she's mean? Yes. Do I think she's a little deluded because of her religion? Yes, but aren't all religious people? I do not LIKE her as a person, but as a candidate, she will almost certainly try to preserve our freedom, and that is what matters most.

I do not think it is the government's job to pass regulation after regulation, widdling away at our rights. I think it is the government's responsibility to collect taxes and build roads and schools. It is the government's job to speak with other countries and make treaties. I, personally, do not wish for the government to treat me like a well-cared for pet.

I am a person, and I can decide what is right and wrong for me, and I do not need the government taking self-sovereignty from me. The more we ask for regulations, the more regulations we'll get, until the US becomes nothing but a police state.

Is that what you want? If so, I look forward to combating you and your 'activist' friends who took my Constitutional rights. I look forward to see you standing side by side with tyranny, accepting their concessions and asking for less freedom. When all of our freedoms are gone, and revolution is inevitable, I look forward to seeing your betrayal through the scope of my rifle.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jihad Casualties

It took me about three hours, but I have calculated the dead and injured as a result of global Jihad. Remember this only counts civilians killed and hurt in highly publicized cases. These are not totals. These are small numbers when compared to the actual amount of people who have been killed by radical Muslims.

United States Casualties - 3,333
United States Wounded - 1,620

Middle East Casualties - 1,794
Middle East Wounded - 9,299

European Casualties - 535
European Wounded - 3,275

South American Casualties - 86
South American Wounded - 200

Asian Casualties - 612
Asian Wounded - 1,712

Russian Casualties - 611
Russian Wounded - 801

African Casualties - 15
African Wounded - 72

Australian Casualties - 1
Australian Wounded - 10

Total Casualties - 6,987
Total Wounded - 16,989

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So, the Earth hasn't been destroyed (yet).

We all should know by now about Roger Moore and the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. For those of you that don't, let me fill you in:

"Since 2003, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the world's largest particle physics laboratory, has been constructing a multibillion-dollar Large Hadron Collider."

This is the largest particle accelerator in the world, located in Geneva, in a 27 km tunnel underground. They will be taking accelerated protons and beaming them into the collider. After a while, the protons will start traveling in the opposite direction making them collide with each other. They are trying to cause these collisions on purpose, to release energy that will be visible by detectors and collect data that will unravel the secrets of the universe and whatnot.

What they're trying to do is recreate the conditions that immediately followed the Big Bang, which will allow them to explore the make-up of matter. It could also possibly create miniature black holes that could destroy the Earth, but Dr. Moore assures us that this is "overwhelmingly unlikely."

There was a group of scientists that were trying to halt the experiments so as to not create conditions that could, you know, make the Earth not exist, but they were allowed to continue because the risk was minimal. While CERN and Roger Moore never deny the possibility of the creation of black holes, they insist that they will be small and temporary, and won't cause any damage.

However, there was a comment from Dr. Moore that made me a bit nervous: "You steer them using magnets and you've got to get everything absolutely correct or you get instabilities"

What does he mean by instabilities?

Well, it can't be too dangerous, because they Started yesterday, and nothing too bad happened. Here is the full text of an article I found:

"The world's biggest experiment aimed at solving the mysteries of the universe, and the birth of matter, got underway on Wednesday.

Scientists from around 80 countries switched on the most powerful particle accelerator ever built, at the border between France and Switzerland.

The machine, sitting on Indian made arms, fired a beam of protons around a 27-kilometre tunnel close to the speed of light.

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research or CERN began firing the protons around the tunnel in stages.

Eventually, two beams were fired in opposite directions to make particles smash into each other and recreate conditions a split second after the big bang.

This experiment could also find evidence of the Higgs boson, also called god's particle, believed to add mass to matter.

There have been fears that this could somehow lead to the end of the world, by creating black holes, whose gravity is so strong that it can suck in all matter.

But fortunately, the big bang experiment has started without a bang."

Well, it's risky, but the scientific advancement, in my opinion, is worth it.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Republican National Commitee: Sarah Palin's Speech

Wow. Her speech was absolutely phenomenal. I now honestly believe McCain has a chance. She is clever, witty and bold, just like McCain.

She was very convincing, even making a good argument. Her argument was that Obama doesn't have enough experience and hasn't really done anything besides campaign. She notes that "
They're the ones whose names appear on laws and landmark reforms, not just on buttons and banners, or on self-designed presidential seals.", and she's right. What has he done?

Also, she brings up the point that Obama promises change, but doesn't tell us what he's really going to do:

"This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word "victory" except when he's talking about his own campaign. But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed... when the roar of the crowd fades away... when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot - what exactly is our opponent's plan?

What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger... take more of your money... give you more orders from Washington... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy... our opponent is against producing it."

Beautifully spoken. Honestly, that was brilliant. However she brings up a much larger, much more important issue:

"Congress spends too much... he promises more.

Taxes are too high... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan, and let me be specific.

The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes... raise payroll taxes... raise investment income taxes... raise the death tax... raise business taxes... and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars."

This is very important. You say, "The government needs tax money, so they can take care of our education, streets, welfare, national safety, police force and health care."

You don't realize that this means "It's okay if the government takes all of our money, because then they can take care of us better, and we don't have to decide how to spend our own money."

What you have to keep in mind is that the government and the "interest groups" don't think that we will spend our hard earned money responsibly, so they want to take the majority of it, leave us with a little spending money, and pay for our housing, food, health care, and everything else that we could be handling ourselves. This takes away our fundamental freedoms, and puts us in the position of well cared for servants. If that's what you want, then so be it.

However, there is a name for that, and some countries in the world are using that system right now. It's called communism, folks, and before you decide that's alright, why not take a look into how communism has worked out for China? Just look into it, see how much freedom the Chinese people have. This is how much freedom we will have if we give the government too much responsibility. When you give someone responsibility over your life, this makes you a dependent, which gives them ultimate power over you.

This isn't what I want for America, and that's why I won't be voting for Barack Obama.

I just thought I'd include this, because she seemed to skip over it, and I thought it was important to get out there.

Anyway, back to speaking of the election, I think this has really helped McCain's campaign. The speech was moving, the crowd was rabid, and Palin was just radiant. It certainly pushed my vote in McCain's direction.

It also apparently pushed a few others:

How about that, huh? I found it on another blog. Well, she certainly is charismatic. I also love most of her views, but she seems to be against separation of church and state, which is just awful. Aren't there any atheist republicans out there? At all?

If you want to find information on candidates, here's the place to go.

They have quotes on every issue from every candidate (local too), and they have information on which way the voted on certain important bills. You can also take their test to see which candidate matches you views the best and why. Wonderful site, really.

Bringing you news slower than Yahoo!,

P.S. Best quote from the speech: "
In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change."

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Vote David Stewart 2008!!!

Are you fed up with all of this election nonsense?

Do you realize that your vote doesn't really matter anyway?

Vote David Stewart!

Post any questions you'd like to ask him about his policies, because I will be posting another video, in which he will answer them all. Leave your questions in comments or e-mail them to me.

Thank you for your consideration, and remember, slogans are pure propaganda.

Signing off,

Friday, August 29, 2008


Now, I'm not going to go on some religious rant about purity, as you might expect (those of you who don't know me). I believe in maintaining purity until marriage for other reasons entirely.

What I believe is that
purity is something special. It is a gift you can give to only one person, and there will be one person some day that you wish you could have given it to. That person will be very special to you. You will never want to leave that person. So, you take vows (i.e. marriage) to eachother that you will always be together, just to make sure.

Don't you think
this might be the time to give away that special gift, not to some teenager you hardly know in high school?

Just a thought,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Exporting Factories

So, I was thinking about U.S. businesses making factories outside of the United States, like the ones in Asia and South America.

Do any of you know what this means for us, the American workers?

In short, it means that there are little to no jobs left for us.

It means that corporations are making all of the money and saving big on cheap labor, while the middle class (i.e. the majority of U.S. citizens) are stuck desperately hunting down jobs that don't exist.

It means the only job you can find is at Walmart or McDonald's, unless you went to college. If you went to college, you can probably get a job as a marketing specialist, a real estate agent, or an accountant. Basically, you can help sell things to people and help people buy things made in other countries!

I'm sure many of you have heard someone say "America is a consumer nation", but do you know what this means? It's much worse than it sounds.

A consumer nation is a country that does not produce anything for export.

Let's say that an American shoe company called ShoePlus (made up name) has a factory in Cambodia. They do this because the only need to pay the Cambodian workers 10 cents an hour, and they'd have to pay American workers minimum wage and benefits. So ShoePlus saves a BOATLOAD of money on employees.

So they sell these products in the United States. American people give their money to ShoePlus, and Shoeplus gives a percentage of that to their Cambodian employees.

Go through that process again in your head. Do you see any money coming into the United States there? Any? Now you see any money leaving the United States?

You see that ShoePlus is taking American money and sending it to Cambodia. It's not a lot, though, right? Well, it adds up, especially with just about every corporation in America sending their factories elsewhere, not to mention the debt our nation is in already.

Now, if we are only buying and not producing and selling, and employment is dwindling, what to you think is going to happen to our economy?

How can we buy anything if we can't get a job?

Does anyone sense something catastrophic headed this way?

Anyway, that's enough for today,


This is the awkward stage between not having a blog and writing your opinions online....

I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself.....

Well, I'm an 18 year old female American citizen, and proudly so....

I live by the original principles of the United States. Rebellion, uprising, freedom... Beautiful things...

My hobbies are baking, reading, intelligent debate, babysitting, volunteering, political activism, and all that good stuff.

I like to study religion, politics, history, economy, and just about everything the majority of people ignore.

I'm lower-middle class, if even, and I dare blame the economic policies of the government.

I'm not sure why anyone would take the time out of their day to read my blog, or anyone's, for that matter, but to each their own....

Well, that's me,